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Let There Be Light: European Edition

Let There Be Light: European Edition
  • Systematic internalisers run by electronic liquidity providers accounted for a record 4.51% of on-venue trading in April.
  • Two ELPs expanded rapidly last month. The 54.55% jump in ADVT at Citadel Securities's EU-based SI and the 47.19% leap in value traded at its UK venue enabled the market maker to leapfrog XTX Markets for the first time since early 2022.
  • Jane Street's SI increased its ADVT by 24.70% m/m. ELPs accounted for more than a third of all SI trading for the first time as banks pulled back.
  • Periodic-auction venues set their own record share of 5.88% of on-venue trading, while dark pools slipped 9 bps m/m, despite the launch of six dark order books by Euronext.

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