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Let There Be Light - US Edition

Let There Be Light - US Edition
  • Dark pools executed approximately 14.27% of US equity volume last month, up 7 bps from July’s 14.20%
  • Dark-pool average daily volume fell 1.08% m/m, to 1.51 billion shares, while consolidated ADV dropped 1.50% m/m
  • Single-dealer platforms and block pools were a mixed bag last month
  • Aqua ATS was the second block-focused pool to shut down this year, leaving just five in the category
  • An ATS filed an update to its Form ATS-N indicating it crossed the fair-access threshold in a little-traded security and is no longer accepting orders in that name - the first time an ATS has breached the cutoff to our knowledge
  • Hidden orders on lit markets executed 8.35% of US volume in August, flat from July

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