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Rosenblatt's Market Structure News Digest

Rosenblatt's Market Structure News Digest
  • The Long-Term Stock Exchange gets serious about trading
  • MEMX adds two new market-technology customers
  • Cboe follows its first corporate listing (other than its own) with new market-maker incentives on its BZX exchange
  • Howard Lutnick mounts another charge at the CME windmill
  • OneChronos sets up shop across the pond — and the channel
  • Why Gary Gensler likely won’t restore the SEC to its Kennedy-era glory
  • Why did Gensler and his chief economist recently meet with the leading academic proponent of continuous auctions as an alternative to price-time trading?
  • Market participants and regulators wrestle with the positive and negative implications of AI applications
  • Crypto ETFs finally get approved and volume soars

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